The civic organization center for research and analyses NOVUS Strumica had started to implement a project of 2017, “Mobilization and activism in the local community – Institutional support of the Foundation Open Society Macedonia”, to strengthen the Institutional and programs of the organization NOVUS Strumica.

Within this project, NOVUS had the chance to strengthen as an institution and improve as a reformed association that has its role in the local community as an independent organization and as part of the civic organizations network that will be an important corrective factor of the central and local governing.

Within the project implementation and set of project activities, it was also organized a Public debate for raising of the awareness of the citizens and institutions of human rights, especially for respecting human rights of the marginalized citizens,  named “Equality is a human right”, with the intention to contribute in recognizing situations that will be the basis in our analysis for future argument approach in front of citizens and institutions in the process of creating a society equal for everyone.

This debate was held on 21st of December, 2017 in the premises of DOM ARM – Strumica and the participants were representatives of civic organizations, media, the mayor of municipality Strumica, advisors, young  activists and municipality representatives.

More information about the project you can find on the following link: